Unattended Child

Unattended Child Policy
The Carnegie Public Library welcomes and encourages children of all ages to visit and use the Library.
Parents and caregivers have the primary responsibility for their child’s safety and behavior. They need to be as careful monitoring their child’s safety in the library as they would in any other public place.
In the interest of all children’s safety and that of others using the library, the Carnegie Public Library Board of Trustees has established the following policies:

Children under the age of eight (8)

  • A parent or caregiver over the age of 15 must supervise children under the age of 8 at all times in all areas of the library. If the parent/caregiver cannot control the child’s behavior, they may both be asked to leave.
  • Library staff will try to locate the parent/caregiver of any child under the age of 8 who is left unattended. If a parent/caregiver cannot be located in the library or by phone within thirty (30) minutes, library staff will call the police (636-2370) and turn over the child to their custody.

Children over the age of eight (8)  

  • All children are encouraged to use the library. Due to the close proximity of schools, many students come to the library unaccompanied by a parent/caregiver. These children may remain in the library if their behavior is not disruptive.
  • The Library reserves the right to expel any child whose behavior is judged to be disruptive or inappropriate to the library environment. Notice will be given to the parent/guardian that the child is temporarily banned from the library.
  • Children between the ages of 8 and 11 may not be left unattended for more than four (4) consecutive hours while parents/guardians attend work, classes, or other scheduled activities. Supervisors will notify the parent/guardian if this occurs and ask them to make other arrangements for child care. Authorities may be called if the situation continues.

Children left at closing

  • If a child under the age of twelve (12) is left unattended at closing, staff will attempt to locate the parent/guardian by phone. If the parent/guardian cannot be located within ten (10) minutes after the library is closed, staff will call police (636-2370) and give the child into their custody
  • Two staff members will wait at the library entrance until the parent/guardian or police arrive.
  • Once the child is in the care of the police, staff will leave a note on the front door stating the “Child” is in the custody of the Washington Police Dept., 130 N. Fayette St., 636-2370. Do not state the names on the sign.