7th annual spelling bee
7th Annual Adult Spelling Bee
Friday, February 7th at 6:00 pm
Location: Ohio State University Extension Fayette County, 1415 US-22, WCH

Get ready to harvest some knowledge and sow the seeds of competition at the 7th Annual Adult Spelling Bee, a fun and unique event where adults of all skill levels can show off their spelling expertise! Featuring special guest hosts, you can compete as an individual, or as a representative from your workplace or organization.

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Spring Book Sale

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  Age Groups


Come in and stock up your personal library at our Spring Book Sale! All items are $0.50 cents, and $1.00 a Bag Day is Saturday, April 15th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm! Donations are welcome. Proceeds will benefit the library's general fund and local AAUW scholarship fund.

Let's do Lunch!

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  Age Groups


A three-part series presented by Sarah Sowell, Family and Consumer Sciences educator, and Jennifer Eggleton, SNAP-ED Program Assistant for the Fayette County OSU Extension Office. Sarah and Jennifer will show us how to plan, shop for, and prepare healthy and budget-friendly packed lunches for adults and kids. 

Registration is required, please call the library at 740.335.2540 to sign up!

Getting Started with Libby

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  Age Groups


Join us for a small group session where we will dive into the basics of using Libby!

Space is limited, and registration is required. Call 740.335.2540 to sign up. 

Getting Started with Hoopla

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  Age Groups


Join us for a small group session where we will dive into the basics of using Hoopla!

Space is limited, and registration is required. Call 740.335.2540 to sign up. 

Crochet for Adults

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  Age Groups


Beginner and experienced crocheters are welcome to join our monthly crochet program!

Thinking Outside the Box with Annuals and Perennials

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  Age Groups


Stacey Wilt from Patchwork Gardens will show us creative ways to plant annuals and perennials in containers!

Bonnie's Books

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  Age Groups


Enjoy stories, songs, and crafts at Bonnie's Books! 

Tuesdays at 11:00 am. 

For children ages 5 & under and their caregivers. 

Jeffersonville United Methodist Church

13 E High St, Jeffersonville

Planting the Library Garden

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  Age Groups


We are planting the library garden beds for summer! For kids of all ages and their families.

Crochet with Flora

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Kids teaching kids! Crochet with Flora is a casual crochet club for kids. Beginners and experienced crafters are welcome!

For ages 7-12. 

Science with Aaron: Daytime Edition

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Aaron's fun and educational science class... during the daytime!

Perfect for homeschooled children ages 5-12.