7th annual spelling bee
7th Annual Adult Spelling Bee
Friday, February 7th at 6:00 pm
Location: Ohio State University Extension Fayette County, 1415 US-22, WCH

Get ready to harvest some knowledge and sow the seeds of competition at the 7th Annual Adult Spelling Bee, a fun and unique event where adults of all skill levels can show off their spelling expertise! Featuring special guest hosts, you can compete as an individual, or as a representative from your workplace or organization.

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Hello Friends!

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Storytime for the youngest children with books and much more! For ages 0-3.

Bonnie's Books

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  Age Groups


Preschool Storytime in Jeffersonville with songs, crafts, and great books! For ages 0-5.

Location: Jeffersonville United Methodist Church

13 E High St, Jeffersonville

Crochet for Adults

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Location: Adult Department

Beginner and experienced crocheters are welcome to join our monthly crochet program!

Central Ohio Alzheimer's Association

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Tune in to a virtual program presented by the Alzheimer's Association.

Join us to learn how to better understand and respond to dementia related behaviors. Presented by the Alzheimer's Association.

The link to this virtual event will become available closer to the event date. 

Senior Life Solutions

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Location: Library Meeting Room

Self Care September - Suicide Prevention

Homeschool Day

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Ages 5-12

We will have a gathering for homeschool families weekly. What will we do? It's your call! Join us for STEM, Art, Books, parent-led instruction, or to just hang out with friends at the library.

Crochet with Flora

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  Age Groups


Kids teaching kids! Crochet with Flora is a casual crochet club for kids. Beginners and experienced crafters are welcome!

For ages 7-12. 

Library Card Bingo

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Ages 5-12

Join Bonnie for Library Card B-I-N-G-O! Show your library card to play (or register for a new card at the event). The game is of kids age 5-12, and their grown-ups are welcome to join in!

Closed for Staff In-Service Day

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  Age Groups


The Library will be closed for Staff Training.

Central Ohio Alzheimer's Association

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Tune in to a virtual program presented by the Alzheimer's Association.

Join us to learn how to better understand and respond to dementia related behaviors. Presented by the Alzheimer's Association.

The Zoom link to this virtual event will become available closer to the event date.