Cabin Fever Book Sale!

Cabin Fever SignThursday, March 6th  12:00pm—6:00pm
Friday, March 7th       10:00am—6:00pm
Saturday, March 8th   10:00am—2:00pm
(Saturday Bargain Day: $1:00 per Bag)
Feeling a little stir-crazy? We sure are. The snow and ice have left us all a little lackluster. Being trapped indoors these last few months left me no choice but to read nearly everything on my bookshelf! Beat those winter blahs and help keep the little ones entertained with a new book or a whole bagful of books from the Carnegie Public Library Cabin Fever Book Sale!  The sale will take place in the Library Meeting Room. Additional donations for the sale will be accepted through Monday March 3rd. Proceeds will become part of the Library’s general fund to be used for building maintenance, collection development and technology.

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